“Small, heated pads are placed on fatty deposits and go to work heating fat cells beyond the point of repair for 25 minutes per treatment. ‘One of the reasons SculpSure is such a huge hit with [Dr. Arash Akhavan’s] patients is that there is truly no downtime following a procedure. After a treatment, most patients don’t experience any after effects, and a minority have at most minor soreness for a day or two. We don’t restrict our patients’ activities in any way. Patients can start to see a loss of fat and positive body contouring effects starting six weeks after treatment, with a completion of the process by 12 weeks post-therapy.'”
“Not only can this treatment spare patients the surgical risks of liposuction, but [Dr. Harry] Glassman says it comes with other advantages. ‘There’s no recovery [period],’ he says. ‘People who have SculpSure can resume their life immediately following the procedure.'”
“‘[SculpSure] is something you can do on your lunch break. Takes literally 25 minutes,’ said Dr. Hooman Khorasani. ‘It’s actually a really amazing way of removing some localized area of fat that is bothering them.'”
“‘SculpSure is not the first noninvasive fat removal device to come out. But it has the best outcomes,’ Dr. [Bruce] Katz says. ‘It’s like the iPhone. The iPhone wasn’t the first mobile phone, but [Apple] got it right.'”
“If you’re still wondering how to lose body fat, cold isn’t the only game in town.”
“'It has given my patients great results, and the new, smaller applicators that came out last year have made it possible to contour really tricky areas…’- Dr Dennis Gross”
“…men are becoming a larger percentage of patients seeking cosmetic enhancements, especially for body contouring and fat removal. SculpSure is the latest and greatest noninvasive fat removal technology. Men that are fit, yet frustrated with their love handles find this treatment a perfect addition to their nutritional and workout efforts.”
“Nurse Jamie has amassed quite a celebrity following…Her latest weapon for reversing the years comes in the form of a light-based body-contouring machine…”
“The Fastest Fat Zapper… [SculpSure uses] a laser to eliminate unwanted fat…and doesn’t interfere with the surrounding nerves, tissue or skin.”
“If you have stomach and midriff fat that refuses to budget no matter how much you workout or diet, then you might want to try a new, non-invasive procedure – SculpSure – that you can do during your lunchtime with no downtime.”